
Who We are

C2F Entertainment began as a simple idea, five years ago, by two working men in the clothing industry who sought ways to explore their passion for fashion while providing opportunities for rising fashionistas to gain exposure and promotion. In those days in 2016, Executive Producer Aubrey Gonawela worked tirelessly behind the scenes to assemble a group and brand, recruiting the talented Aaron Gomes as a host and public face for the platform.
We began with one simple video, shot in a home out in the desert at Palm Springs, California, Aaron and then co-host Marianne hosted a segment where they commentated on current fashion and pop culture trends. The video itself was minimalistic and basic. Two young and aspiring changemakers in the fashion and entertainment industry. Talking about that industry. Talking about their ideas for that industry.
We soon found ourselves navigating the industry, identifying and chatting with many other change makers  in fashion, music, business, and entertainment. C2F Entertainment has highlighted the budding careers of up-and-coming models, music industry executives, talented film directors, and artists over the past several years. We have been a mainstay presence on the red carpet at the La Jolla International Fashion Film Festival for the last four years, and we’ve even tried our hand at producing music videos.
While our reach and activities have expanded, our core mission has stayed the same – providing an outlet and platform for the artists trying to break out into the world of fashion and entertainment. Our success is their success, and our brand is strengthened by the brands of an incoming generation of artists. We want to give a voice to those who are building their craft. We want to introduce them to the world.

C2F Entertainment’s success has been secured by a small but tight-knit team. While Aubrey continues to serve as Executive Director and Aaron as a co-host, we’ve been fortunate to have been joined by a talented cinematographer, Rea Xenitopoulus, and another fantastic co-host Danielle. C2F Entertainment’s success also rests on all our prior co-hosts and videographers who have helped build and expand the dreams of so many. Lastly, our success is owed to our fans, who continue to like, subscribe, and listen to all our great content!




Fashion & Entertainment

Meet the team

Meet the dream team, Aaron, Aubrey, Rea & Danny



Executive producer


Director - Cinematography

We are a platform that promotes upcoming artists, musicians, Short film industry through interviews and promoting them through our youtube.

Shopping Basket


- Host
As a transplant to a new place it could be hard to meet genuine people. Born and raised on the east coast of Massachusetts, I decided to move out west to find chances in a warmer place . With a dream of pursuing music and work on my craft I realized the “starving artist “ life is much harder than it sounds. My family always stressed the importance of hard work so I always had a job to support myself while I sought after that dream of mine. I can remember working with Aubrey at the Men’s Wearhouse back in 2015. He was eccentric and interesting guy who had an idea for a website to promote models and fashion artists. I thought it was a great idea but at first mention I would never have thought it to go beyond just casual work talk. The more we talked and the more passionate I seen he was , I knew this could be a great opportunity to combine our talents and try to make something creative. With the work ethic he presented and my background as a performer and writer, we were onto something . Trial and error was our method to the madness. Through a lot of mistakes and some hilarious bloopers we started to get better and better. I became the face and he was the man behind it all . I always enjoyed playing the role of actors / performer and this opportunity has opened up some incredible opportunities and connections for us. As we continue to grow and navigate our channel we become better and better. I am grateful to be working beside such intelligent and creative individuals in our pursuit to give a voice to the up and coming artists of the world. The industry of fashion and entertainment can be a speed demon and sometimes the most talented of us get silenced in the rush of it all. This is why we do what we do. It’s about sharing in the opportunity and helping those creative individuals working hard just like us.


- Co - Host
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


- Executive Producer
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


- Director - Cinematography
Hi I’m Rea Xenitopoulos. I know it’s a mouthful , but it’s a family story that I love and it brings me all the way back to Greece , a location of beauty and living history! I’m22 years old and currently attending San Diego State University. I am double majoring in Television, film and news media and sustainability. My speciality is cinematography. My passion in all of this is the ability to get behind a lens and create your own masterpiece. All of the hours it takes and the detail involved in creating your finished video. It’s the feeling of knowing that all of it paid off. The literal blood sweat and tears. Now , although that is my passion, I have som other aspirations in mind. I am hoping to merge the two majors together and turn toward making documentaries. My dream is to work forNational Geographic. I first met Aubrey and the C2F family a few years ago and I kind of just got brought into this idea they have been working on.From the beginning I drove right in , cannonball style. I’ve been with C2F for the last 3years now, directing as a cinematographer / editor. I really enjoy creating the videos we bring you at C2F Entertainment .Whether it is YouTube videos or full productions , I am excited to be working with C2F and can’t wait to see what the future holds.